Previous 4th of July Aquarium


After much research and preparation, the aquarium was set up on 7/4/99. These photos were taken in July and Sept. 2000. The 135-gallon tank is 6' long, 2' high and 1.5' from front to back.


A - Nymphaea "zenkeri"
B -
Glossostigma elatinoides
C -
Rotala wallichii
D - Cabomba caroliniana
E -
Sagittaria chilensis
F -
Alternanthera reineckii
G -
Sagittaria sublata
H -
Echinodorus "ozelot"
I -
Hygrophila polysperma "tropical sunset"


Our tank is on the"Ten Best Planted Tanks" list by aquascapist
Frode Roe.
We were awarded "Best Planted Aquarium" prize in a photo competition at
Tom's Place.s
Photos taken with an Olympus D-460 Zoom digital camera

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